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Info On Geese

The term Goose (along with its plural "geese") is the general English name that is used for a significant number of birds that belong to the Anatidae, which also includes the swan (larger than the goose) and the duck (smaller than the goose). Looking at the origins of the word "goose" we find out that it is in fact one of the first words of the Indo-European languages and the modern names derive from the proto-Indo-European roots.
Without any doubt, the most recognizable and prevalent goose type in all the North American continent is the Canada Goose, which can be found in just about all types of water across the continent, starting with the tundra and finishing with the Gulf Coast. Some small populations transformed in urban areas and nowadays have to face serious difficulties with the people.

The habitat of the goose differs depending on the time of the year. The preferred breeding habitat is tundra, and so they can be found in the Northern United States during breeding season. The goose migrates to warmer climates in the fall from September to November when water begins to freeze. Arriving from late October to January, they settle along the coast of British Columbia or Northern Mexico.

The ecological niches of these geese are open, grassy habitats including temperate, terrestrial, and freshwater niches as well as tundra, semi-desert, wooded areas, and agricultural land. They can also be pesky animals that live in man-made habitats such as your backyard, at airports, and golf courses.

All geese species have a vegetarian diet and are known to become pests whenever the flocks feed on the arable crops, or inhabit ponds/the grassy areas available in the urban environments. If they get the chance, they will also take invertebrates. The domestic goose usually tries out most of the novel food items for their edibility.

The information about geese reproduction is not varied: these birds usually mate for life, although there are a small number of "breakups" and re-mating. Usually, they lay fewer eggs in comparison to ducks. Both parents will defend the nest site and the young, which in most cases results in higher rates of survival for the young geese. Geese pair for life and associate in flocks called gaggles. Simple nests are built on the ground. The rough-surfaced, whitish eggs are incubated for about a month by the hen while the gander stands guard. The downy young fend for themselves almost at once but remain with their parents during the first summer. Geese may survive for 10–15 years in the wild and more than 30 years in captivity.

While adult geese can be prey to wolves, coyotes and foxes, this does not impact goose populations as much as you might think. A wide range of species will attempt to eat goose eggs, including birds such as crows, and small mammals such as raccoons. Goslings are also particularly susceptible to predation by snapping turtles and birds of prey, including hawks and owls.

While adult geese can be prey to wolves, coyotes and foxes, this does not impact goose populations as much as you might think. A wide range of species will attempt to eat goose eggs, including birds such as crows, and small mammals such as raccoons. Goslings are also particularly susceptible to predation by snapping turtles and birds of prey, including hawks and owls.

When hunting goose, you must be very skillful and careful. As their vulnerable places are only a few, every shot counts and you have to do your best. Hunting goose can be very efficient if you use the help of dogs. Also, using decoys can turn out to be a productive technique. Another very important part of the equipment is the call, will definitely bring you more geese. To find out more helpful facts, check out our Tips & Tricks section and learn how to improve your hunting methods.

As far as reproduction is concerned, geese are very interesting birds. They stay monogamous for their entire lives, producing families together every year. Therefore, they do not break their families at the end of the breeding season. When a mate dies or is killed, the other will wait for years before choosing a new mate and sometimes will stay single as well. Another fact is that goslings can swim 30 or 40 feet underwater when they are only 1 day old.