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Goose Blinds

In their history, goose blinds have evolved from the military netting draped over conduit to ultra-portable layout blinds. Using these blinds will make you a more efficient goose hunter. Using a blind will put an end to the long days in which you were probably digging a hole in the ground and after that, covering it with weeds; in most cases, it was all for nothing because this method is pretty inefficient.
The top-quality goose blinds are usually covered in camouflage cordura and have stubble straps which are sewn into the goose blind. Be very attentive when you choose the camouflage pattern, choose one which is most suitable for the terrain in which you will be conducting the hunt. After you have purchased your first blind you should grab a 5 gallon pail and fill it with black dirt for about 1/3. After that, in the rest of the bucket insert water and mix it until you get a paste composition. After doing so, get a broom and cover the exterior of your blind with the made paste and let it dry out for a while. This procedure is commonly called mudding a blind. With other words, you are taking out the shine out of the cordura material. This procedure should be repeated once a year.

The main advantage that goose hunting blinds offer is portability - you will be able to use them wherever and whenever you like. This is more efficient in comparison to setting up a decoy spread in the near vicinity of a fence line and hiding in the bushes because you can set it exactly where the geese are eating.

If you will be conducting your hunts under a flight path, it is advisable to do it right in the middle of the largest available field in that area. The incoming geese will feel secure because they will not need to land next to any weeds in which there could be predators waiting for a fast kill. By doing this you will surely increase your efficiency.

An important advantage that low profile goose blinds offer is that you can hunt without being spotted.

You will be doing all the calling and the flagging from the inside of your spread. In order to set the spread right, you should insert vegetation into it so that it remains undetected.

The moment you have finished setting it up you should surround it with decoys. It is advisable to use large decoys (full-bodied or silhouette). On the sunny days, the decoys should be placed within the shadow your goose hunting blind makes.

All in all, installing and using a goose hunting blind isn't very hard and the efficiency is almost guaranteed. What you must do is install it the right way by following the simple steps above. Remember, make sure to use camo material so that you will not be spotted by the incoming geese because once they have detected you, there are slim chances of catching any birds.

Top 5 Amazon Goose Blinds

Our editors have struggled to find the most popular goose blinds for you. You can read more info about each of the below products by clicking on the product's title.