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How To Make A Goose Decoy

If you have been looking all over the Internet for a piece of info that teaches you how to make a goose decoy, look no further, as you have arrived to the right place. Grab a pen and some paper and start writing down the following instructions. If you are not in the mood to make them yourself, you could always head down to the hunting store and grab one.

Now, it's time to begin the process.

First you will have to get some foam blocks and then cut them into about 12x12-inch sections - it doesn't have to be that exact dimension but try to stay close to that. You will need them in order to form the bodies of the goose decoys so you will have to make sure that you cut them in sections which will be large enough.
Moving on to your next task, you will have to make a sketch of a regular-shaped goose outline on that foam block mentioned before. Don't worry, as it does not have to be exact, you'll simply have to follow the general shape of a goose. However, do your best to make sure the sketch is as accurate as it can be, taking into consideration that you will be using it as a guide for your goose decoys

Next you will have to start trimming away the bigger sections of the foam block by using a sharp knife, making sure that you follow at all times the outline that you sketched in the previous step. Needless to say, be careful while doing this as there are some risks of cutting yourself.

Time has come to sand the rough edges of the goose decoy you are trying to make and, in order to avoid taking too much off the foam body, it is highly recommended that you use small grit sandpaper. You can use it for those difficult areas that are too small to use the knife for removing the thin layers.

Lay the goose decoy on a section of the canvas and begin trimming around the decoy. Keep in mind that you will have to leave 4 inches all around that foam and the canvas must be cut long enough for completely covering the goose decoy

The process of creating your homemade goose decoys continues by placing the aforementioned canvas on a flat surface. After doing that apply a thin layer of glue to the fabric's back side - make sure you apply the glue to the entire surface of the canvas.

Next set the goose decoy topside down on the canvas and pull the material firmly over the decoy's body. If you happen to notice any air pockets or lumps, you will have to smooth them out in order to make sure that the fabric will attach 100% to the foam.

Pull one of the canvas' corners to the bottom of the foam. After completing this task, you will have to apply a small bead of glue to the canvas by using a hot glue gun.

Remember at all times to hold the canvas firmly against the foam until the glue sets for good. Continue this process right until all of the fabric is firmly glued over the foam body decoy and make sure that the canvas pieces are hold securely until the hot glue sets up permanently.

Your penultimate step would be to paint the goose decoy with the appropriate colors of the species that you've modeled your decoy after. If you've read the other sections of the website, you've learned that there are several types of subspecies so try to match the color pattern of the goose decoy to the ones which you will be hunting. It doesn't have to look exactly the same but it should have a similar color if you want to get good results out there in the hunting field.

The last step would be to coat the goose decoy in a layer of waterproofing spray and then allow it to dry completely. By doing so, the decoy will be able to float without sinking.

Homemade Goose Decoys Videos